Lobo Center » Welcome to the Lobo Center (College & Career Center)

Welcome to the Lobo Center (College & Career Center)

Rancho Dominguez Preparatory School offers its high school students the opportunity to take one college course on campus through our partnership with Los Angeles Harbor College.
Students who take and complete college courses while in high school can be more competitive college applicants, save money, and graduate earlier from college.
SPRING 2025 OFFERING: Sociology 2 - American Social Problems. Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM. February 10th - June 10th, 2025, in the RDPS library. Enrollment ends February 6th. Earn 3 college-level units.
Students also have the option of taking college courses not offered on campus. Contact the Lobo Center for more information.
  • Chico State University Wildcat Scholarship: For seniors considering attending Chico State University in the fall. Open to seniors who applied and were accepted to Chico State. CLICK HERE to log in using your Chico State login and apply. DEADLINE: FEB. 14TH
  • Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholarship: Awards of $500-$5,000. Minimum 3.0 GPA required & be US Citizen, permanent resident, or DACA. CLICK HERE to apply. DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 15TH
  • Ross Stores Foundation Scholarship Program: Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must be a high school senior, be an active member in good standing with a Ross Power Hour Boys & Girls Club (@RDPS) Site for at least one year during high school (grades 9-12), have a minimum 2.5 GPA (on a 4.0 scale), plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited two- or four-year college or vocational-technical school, have the recommendation of the Club or Unit Director. Up to twenty (20) awards of $3,750 each will be granted. Click here for application. DUE FEBRUARY 17TH

  • CSUDH Presidential Scholarship: This opportunity is only open to 12th graders, have a 3.5 Cal State GPA, and have applied and have been accepted to CSUDH. Click here for application and more information. DEADLINE: MARCH 1ST. Benefits include:
    • Full in-state fees for up to four years of study for first-year students and up to two years for transfer students
    • Annual book allowance and parking permit (fall and spring semesters)
    • Laptop computer and software
    • $500 annual University Housing discount
    • Recognition at commencement as a Presidential Scholar
    • Spring recognition reception with President Parham
    • Lunch with President Parham during the fall and spring semesters
    • Priority registration
    • Academic Success Coach
  • $2,000 Scholarship For Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) LAUSD seniors: Click here for the application. Teachers are to click here to submit a recommendation. For Scholarship questions, please email either Jane Lee [email protected] or Chatty Richier [email protected] For technical difficulties, email Elijah Whang [email protected]. DEADLINE: MARCH 7TH.

  • Jerry Morris and Summer Houston Scholarships: Up to $2,000. The Union Pacific Railroad Black Employee Network Jerry Morris and Summer Houston Scholarships are provided to assist African American students in defraying the cost of higher education. Students are awarded scholarships of up to $2000 and recipients are chosen on the basis of scholastic ability and leadership. Personal or family financial situations can be a factor in consideration of eligibility and in awarding the scholarship. Current Union Pacific employees and their dependents are ineligible for this scholarship. Click here for application and more information. DEADLINE: MARCH 31ST.
  • Hon. Beverly Reid O'Connell Scholarship: Scholarship awards of up to $5,000. Eligible students must: 1. identify as a woman, 2. interested in the field of law or in public service, 3. inspired to pursue this career choice by WLALA Foundation's Power Luncheon, the WLALA organization, or a WLALA leader. Click here for application and more information. DEADLINE: APRIL 30TH.
  • Frederick M. Roberts College Scholarship (California Legislative Black Caucus): Named after the first African American Legislator in California. Established to assist deserving students by offering financial assistance to help meet educational expenses. Minimum 2.5 GPA to apply. Click here for application. DEADLINE: MAY 10, 5 PM.
  • California Latino Legislative Caucus Foundation Scholarship Program: Click here for application and more info. Minimum 2.5 GPA to apply. Application opens March 15th. DEADLINE: JUNE 1ST.
  • American Trucks Student Scholarship: For students pursuing a trade/vocational education. Click here for application and more info. 1 scholarship for $2,500 will be awarded twice a year to students who are currently enrolled full-time in a secondary vocational school, technical institute, or are high school seniors who are enrolled in one of the aforementioned institutes. One scholarship will be awarded for the fall semester and one scholarship will be awarded for the spring semester each year. DEADLINE: JUNE 1ST, 9 AM.


  • The Cameron Impact Scholarship: A four-year, full-tuition, impact-driven undergraduate scholarship awarded annually to 15 exceptional high school students who have demonstrated excellence in leadership, community service, extracurricular activities, and academics. APPLY EARLY!!! Only the first 3,000 complete applications are accepted. DEADLINE: FEB. 28TH.
  • Horatio Alger Scholarships: The Horatio Alger Association supports deserving young people who are overcoming significant challenges and are committed to pursuing higher education. Scholarships of up to $25,000. Must be a junior to apply. DEADLINE: MARCH 1ST.
  • Fim2Future Intensive Film Program: Spring through summer program for students interested in a career in Hollywood and film! Program is free, technology and transportation provided. There are two programs that students may apply for – one focused on animation and one focused on music video production. DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 16TH.
  • California State Summer School for the Arts (CSSSA): Programs in the following disciplines: Animation, Dance, Film, Music, Visual Arts, Theater, & Writing. Takes place at the California Institute for the Arts (Cal Arts, founded by Walt Disney), located in Valencia, CA, home to Magic Mountain. Financial aid is available UP TO FULL COST OF PROGRAM, but you must apply to both the school and financial aid by the deadline. Open to all high school grades. DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 28TH, 6 PM.
  • Scripps College Academy Program: For young women in grades 10 and 11. An intensive, multi-year, college access and completion program for high- achieving young women with limited resources who seek to become the first generation in their families to attend college. All expenses paid program to live on the Scripps College campus in Claremont, CA for this and next summer for two weeks. Must be low-income or qualify for free/reduced lunch, and first generation (not family member) to attend college. DEADLINE: MARCH 3RD. 
  • Turner-UCLA Allied Health Internship: Summer high school internship at UCLA to explore entry-level allied health careers that do not require a traditional four-year degree or medical degree. DEADLINE MARCH 7TH @ 4:59 PM.
  • Expanding Horizons Institute Internship: For grades 10 and 11. Intensive skill development and personal growth experiences to first-generation, college-bound high school students. Our unique approach, which includes interactive seminars and paid summer internship, is designed to prepare students for the challenges of college, exposure to careers, and the responsibilities of civic life. DEADLINE MARCH 21ST.
  • The Social Impact Fellowship: a three-month program for rising low-income sophomore and juniors to find mentors, grow their confidence, and give back. Students build lifelong confidence and network through structured mentorship and project-based learning. Our alums have gone on to win scholarships and attend top universities like Stanford. The most impactful project will receive the $1,000 Growth Mindset Scholarship. Must be a 9th or 10th grader, Identify as low-income, & be available over Zoom from June-August 2025. DEADLINE: MARCH 30TH.
  • Youth Mental Health Academy: For grades 11 and 12 interested in careers in mental health. 14 month program, including a $2,000 stipend followed by a paid internship, mentorship, project-based learning, and student support. DEADLINE MARCH 31ST.
  • The Riordan Scholars Program: Targets 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students who are college bound and interested in developing the necessary leadership skills to succeed in business and college. Scholars exemplify an extraordinary level of responsibility and devotion to their academic career. Requirements are: 1. Will be the first generation (not person) of their family to attend a four-year college in the United States, 2. Must have demonstrated leadership skills and community service involvement, 3. Have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.0, 4.  Residing in or near the Los Angeles area. Click here for application and to apply. DEADLINE: JUNE 27TH.
Need a work permit? A job offer is required to begin the Work Permit Application process. Once you have received a job offer, visit the Lobo Center to obtain the Statement of Intent to Employ form. This form must be completed by student, parent, and employer.

Eligibility for a Work Permit: minimum 2.0 GPA with No Fs nor Us in any course is required on the most recent report card, and no less than an 95% attendance/tardy record in every class to be eligible for a work permit. Students must visit the Lobo Center to check for eligibility.

Interested in obtaining technical training? Harbor Occupational Center offers high school students opportunities to enroll in their programs which include welding, auto mechanics, and more. Visit the Lobo Center for up to date information on program enrollment.
Enrolled students are provided free transportation to and from RDPS.
Gilbert Viveros (College/Career Counselor)
Lourdes Parra (UCLA DCAC/EAOP)
Diana Vallejo (CSULB Educational Talent Search)
Lobo Center Phone Number: 310.847.6419
The Lobo Center has established partnerships with the following organizations, of which students can/should apply. These partners are educational and provide additional guidance toward post-secondary education.
  • UCLA Early Academic Outreach Program/Destination College Advising Corps (EAOP/DCAC)
  • CSULB Educational Talent Search (ETS)
  • Boys & Girls Club College Bound